IMEL s.r.l.
IMEL s.r.l. English Version


Business Profile  Structure

The flexible organizational structure allows us to satisfy every demand in the field of the industrial automation departing from the feasibility of the project up to the commissioning; in this way the primary objective remains to supply a complete and efficient technical support to the client.
IMEL uses a staff of technicians for each specific sectors able to attend with rapidity for the resolution of complex problems or in emergency situations.


The versatility of the IMEL bring us to deal on the realization of the most varied typologies of system. Our technicians, in collaboration with the buyer company, are in position to develop the plant on the real and specific requirements of the customer.
Thanks to the slim and elastic structure, to reliability and the professional ability, the Customer is left free to maintain or change in the time the hardware and software architectures in function of the specific requirements of real improvement, compared to the value of the necessary investment.

Copyright 2005 Imel s.r.l.